Reflexology is a form of foot massage which aims to unblock energy channels in the body and thereby activating the body’s own healing powers. Reflexologists believe that the body’s systems and organs are mapped out on the feet in areas called reflex points, and tender spots on these reflex points correlate to the associated system or organ, indicating a blockage in the flow of energy there, and by massaging using certain techniques, the energy blockage can be cleared and the body subsequently allowed to maximise both its capacity to heal and to prevent illness.
Reflexology helps balance the body as a whole, allowing it to achieve of homeostasis, meaning each part of the body is allowed to function as it should, without interruption from another area of the body which may be out of sorts. Being in a state of homeostasis means the body is allowed to be healthy. Reflexology also helps eliminate toxins and impurities from the body by encouraging and allowing the digestive and excretory systems to function normally. Another positive aspect of Reflexology is its ability to reduce stress and induce relaxation.
In short, Reflexology is about preventative health care which covers all of the body’s systems and organs in their entirety.
You can book your reflexology appointment by clicking the Book Now button at the top of this page - ladies only in the Treatment Room in Maryculter on a Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and open to all at Inverurie Chiropractic Clinic on a Wednesday from 10am to 4pm, please message from the Contact page, or call the Clinic reception team on 01467 620707 to book your appointment,